We are proudly based in Tallinn, Estonia 🇪🇪
Estonia has had a strong connexion to Cyber for a number of years, the reasons below make it for us the perfect place to be and operate from. 🎉
- Cyberattack Experience: Estonia suffered from a series of crippling cyberattacks in 2007, targeting government, media, financial institutions, and other critical infrastructure. These attacks were a significant wakeup call and prompted the country to prioritize its digital defense mechanisms.
- Digital Society: Estonia has been a pioneer in e-governance and digital services. They have introduced initiatives like e-residency, which allows global citizens to start and manage a global business in Estonia. The country's digital ID card system and digital public services have made it one of the most advanced e-societies in the world.
- NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE): Established in 2008 in Tallinn, this institution is meant to enhance the cyber defense capabilities of NATO and NATO allies. It serves as a hub of expertise on cyber defense matters.
- Education and Training: Estonia has integrated cybersecurity education into its national curriculum. Estonian universities and institutions also offer specialized programs in cyber defense.
- Cybersecurity Initiatives: Estonia hosts various international cybersecurity events, such as the annual Tallinn Digital Summit and the CyCon conference organized by the NATO CCDCOE.
- National Cybersecurity Strategy: Estonia has developed and implemented multiple national cybersecurity strategies, focusing on enhancing cyber resilience, fostering R&D in cybersecurity, and promoting public awareness on digital threats and safety.
- Public-Private Partnership: Estonia collaborates extensively with the private sector in enhancing its cyber defense capabilities. Tech startups, IT companies, and cybersecurity firms in Estonia often partner with the government for various initiatives.
- Resilient Infrastructure: After the 2007 cyberattacks, Estonia invested heavily in securing its digital infrastructure, making it a model nation in terms of digital resilience.
- Global Advocacy: Estonia consistently advocates for responsible state behavior in cyberspace at global forums, emphasizing the importance of international law in digital domains.
- Let's not forget that Estonia is a European country, and thus enforces strong Data protection protocols for its citizens and abides by EU law and GDPR, and this also means that your data is safe with us, and we don't hold or keep any client data.
These factors, combined with the nation's digital-first approach in many aspects of governance and business, have solidified Estonia's reputation as a key player in the global cyber domain.